Thursday, February 3, 2011

Change for Change in Guatemala

We are working on new fund raising projects for the work in Guatemala. We operate two schools and 14 churches with an annual budget exceeding $71,000. And since the dropping economy in the U.S. we have seen a decline in giving. But our God own the cattle on a thousand hills-- and we know he will provide for our every need.

Change for Change,

Brother Brian Bridges has already successfully begun this program in his congregation and raised over $50.00 the first day. That loose change you have in your pocket, or the bottom of your purse, can help make a change in the life of someone here in Guatemala. This is a field ready to be worked, and you can sow your seed with confidence that it's going to support the spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Brother Brian, sat out a water jug in his local congregation and began to promote Change for Change in Guatemala. Something simple, could really make a difference. Will your congregation join us?

Feel free to contact Brother Brian with any questions.!/bridges1

1 703.577.8168

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