Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Convention gets off to a great start.

The weather was calling for rain, but it looks as though the Lord has spared us. Brother Rube Gayheart has been teaching a seminar, relating to tongues in the daytime. Those sessions have been well attended with nearly 50 in each session. Today those that had attended both days received a Certificate of completion.

We had over 300 in attendance the first night of our convention in Guazacapan. There were several at the altar at the end of service. We had nearly all of our 14 congregations represented on our first night, and we are hoping that things continue to grow, as the weekend goes on.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Opportunity to preach the Kingdom

God has opened some new doors in Guatemala. We have been given the opportunity to preach about the Kingdom of God, to a group of bible school attendants along with several ministers. We had a group of nearly 50 people in our sessions this morning. Brother Rube Gayheart had charts prepared outlining "Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel 2"

There are many people that have been taught that the Kingdom of God is yet to come. The focus of today's teaching was based on the biblical truth, the Kingdom of God is within --- and that it's now. John preached that the Kingdom of God was at hand!

Brother Kelly spoke for a few moments, about the righteousness of Christ. We didn't earn our righteousness, we couldn't live and obey every law. Christ is the only one to have lived sin-free. He is the only one that was truly righteous. Praise the Lord -- because he loved us he went to the cross for us--- and took our sin with him, and gave us his righteousness. What greater thing has ever been done for humanity.

Brother Rube, and Brother Kelly were received very well, and there was a wonderful spirit in the service. We are looking forward to spending more time with brother Louis in the future.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Change for Change in Guatemala

We are working on new fund raising projects for the work in Guatemala. We operate two schools and 14 churches with an annual budget exceeding $71,000. And since the dropping economy in the U.S. we have seen a decline in giving. But our God own the cattle on a thousand hills-- and we know he will provide for our every need.

Change for Change,

Brother Brian Bridges has already successfully begun this program in his congregation and raised over $50.00 the first day. That loose change you have in your pocket, or the bottom of your purse, can help make a change in the life of someone here in Guatemala. This is a field ready to be worked, and you can sow your seed with confidence that it's going to support the spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Brother Brian, sat out a water jug in his local congregation and began to promote Change for Change in Guatemala. Something simple, could really make a difference. Will your congregation join us?

Feel free to contact Brother Brian with any questions.!/bridges1

1 703.577.8168

Needs in Guatemala

We posted a request for a help with Text books in Guatemala a few months back, and it was going to cost us nearly 6000 to put Textbooks in all of our classes.

We received good news today. There is a company that will get us books that contain all the subjects needed for our classes, for less than $10.00 per book.

So for $2500 we can put a book in the hand of every student -- Praise the Lord.

Please pray about helping with this project -- our school year has just begun -- and we need these books right away.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Man Falls from Mango Tree

Mario Garcia makes his living by picking mangoes. Mario fell from a mango tree last year and is no longer able to support his family. Mario's spine was broken in the fall. He will never be able to walk again but could sit in a wheel chair with therapy. He has had a few months of treatment, but needs at least 6 more months. Each session cost $38.00. If you or your Church would like to make a donation, please contact Brother Harold Kelly, or Brother Paul Hensley. for contact information

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Seed Packs

It's that time of year-- school is just about to start back. It's also time for the Seed Pack ministry to begin. Please visit for more information.

A back pack filled with school supplies, doesn't sound like much to those of us who have been living in the abundance of God's financial blessing. But the kids in Guatemala (Adults to)-- need our help. Many of the children that we minister are unable to afford what they need for school.

Join with us this year to help provide for this need. God will bless you for your efforts.


Brother Paul -- Vice-President Guatemala Missions